
Before submitting an abstract, please read the detailed description of the topics of the call for papers by downloading this file: Topics of the call for papers.

The papers should present case studies, research results and/or practical experiences related to the topics of this call. Proposals falling outside the scope of these topics will not be considered.

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17th World Winter Service and Road Resilience Congress

"Chambéry 2026 – Ensuring road excellence in all seasons"

PIARC (World Road Association) is a non-profit, non-political association founded in 1909 to promote international cooperation in the field of roads and road transport. As of 2024, PIARC has 128 member governments.

The World Winter Service and Road Resilience Congress is a world-class event that builds on PIARC's decades of experience. It brings together road experts and practitioners from around the world. This will be the 17th edition of the Congress, which PIARC has organised every four years since 1969.

The Chambéry 2026 congress will be structured around 3 themes, including a call for papers with 23 topics.

The official languages of the Congress are English, French and Spanish.

The 17th World Winter Service and Road Resilience Congress will be held from 10 to 13 March 2026. It will include arount 50 sessions, a large exhibition, technical tours and a social programme.

For more information, you are invited to visit the Congress website:

Call for Papers

For this 17th edition, PIARC is calling for individual contributions on selected topics in order to enrich and broaden the views and work of its Technical Committees and Task Forces.

The papers should present case studies, research results and/or practical experiences related to the topics of this call.

Papers will be reviewed by the Technical Committees and Task Forces. Papers that are accepted will be published in the Congress proceedings and will provide input into the Congress sessions. All authors of accepted papers will present their work and results at interactive poster sessions. Some outstanding contributions will be selected for an oral presentation during the Congress.

PIARC Prizes 2026

By submitting a paper in response to the present call for papers you will automatically be entered in the PIARC Prizes competition and be in competition to win one of the prizes. The prize for the best paper in each category will be awarded by an international jury.

The following are the Prize categories for our 2026 Congress:

  • Winter service
  • Resilience
  • Adaptation to Climate Change
  • Decarbonisation
  • Young professional authors (under 35 years of age)
  • Authors from low and middle-income countries

Information for Authors

  • Content: All papers must be original and authorized for publication. Proposals that have already been published will not be accepted.
  • Any reference of a political, commercial or advertising nature is excluded from the papers, as is the indication of a trademark in the title or summary.
  • Language: Abstracts may be submitted in English, French and Spanish, which are the official languages of the Congress. Please note that the English version will be used for the evaluation; it is therefore requested that you attach this version (possibly with the help of an automated tool).
  • Submission: Abstracts must be submitted online exclusively on the website.
  • Length: The abstract should not exceed 400 words.


  • 3 September 2024: PIARC launches the international call for papers
  • 31 January 2025: Deadline for authors to submit abstracts
  • 15 April 2025: PIARC notifies the authors of the acceptance of their abstract 
  • 15 July 2025: Deadline for authors to submit full articles
  • 31 October 2025: PIARC notifies the authors of acceptance of their full article (including whether they are selected for an oral presentation and/or a poster)
  • 15 November 2025: Deadline for authors who are selected for an oral presentation to confirm their registration
  • 30 November 2025: Deadline for authors of articles which were accepted with a modification request to submit their revised article
  • 15 January 2026: PIARC notifies the authors of acceptance of the full articles that have been resubmitted
  • 10-13 March 2026: 17th World Winter Service and Road Resilience Congress

Contact for the call for papers


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